We are in the season of Advent eagerly awaiting 25th December, Christmas day.
What will this mean for us?
Depending on your faith tradition or none, most people take the opportunity of celebrating in some way. Whether this be attending a Christmas church service, singing carols, meeting with friends and family, going to a party , being a volunteer at a food bank, or finding a shelter or the homeless. These illustrations are just a small example of how we might be spending Christmas day .
I recently had a special date in my diary to attend a book signing ,` meet the author` event at a Methodist Church in Horncastle, Lincolnshire. It was also a Christmas Fayre so there were lots of stall holders selling their goods. Very impressive they were too with quite an array of home made cakes, jewellery , toys, to name put a few!
The Christmas music was playing and folk really caught the spirit of the occasion. On a cold winter day it brought a real glow to our hearts.
For me I sold lots of books, met lots of lovely people. had many conversations and made contacts for future speaking engagements. So all in all a date to remember!
Whatever Christmas holds for you I pray its message of `peace on earth goodwill to all` will be with you and those you love.
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